Itensity Fitness Management Software

Happy Holidays 2023

We are delighted to announce significant changes to our management team. Lorraine Steyn, a member of our board since 2016, has assumed the role of CEO

Increasing gym membership sales and retaining your members by Itensity

Growing your gym and increasing your memberships can usually be challenging. Attracting new, good paying members is important and something you should always implement – to ensure your business is growing, retaining your members, meeting your financial obligations, and maintaining your day-to-day operations. In this blog, we would like to show you ways to encourage new member sign ups and how to create a memorable member experience without breaking the bank.

International Fitness Trends 2024

Fascinating International Gym Membership Statistics

We know that keeping your finger on the pulse of the global fitness industry is vital for your success. It gives you the insight needed to grow and enhance your fitness clubs and centers. In this easy-to-digest blog post, we’ll explore some fascinating international gym membership statistics and how you can ride the wave of success.

Staying Ahead of the Game: 5 Digital Marketing Trends for Your Gym in 2023

5 digital marketing trends itensity gym management software

The fitness world is evolving at a rapid pace, and it’s crucial for gym owners to adapt and stay competitive. In 2023, the digital marketing landscape will play a pivotal role in attracting and retaining members. To help you keep up with the ever-changing trends, Itensity has identified five digital marketing trends that you should closely follow.