Itensity Fitness Management Software

Find Your Flow with the Itensity Yoga Playlist on Spotify

Yoga Spotify Playlist Itensity

Finding the right music for your yoga practice can significantly enhance the experience, helping you to sink deeper into poses, connect with your breath, and ultimately find a sense of inner peace and balance. The Itensity Yoga playlist is meticulously curated to support practitioners at every level, from beginners to seasoned yogis, in their quest […]

A Webinar Recap: Unpacking the Power of Gym Management Software | Itensity

How to use gym mangement software itensity

Recently, we hosted a webinar that took a deep dive into Itensity gym management software. We explored how to harness its full potential to boost growth, enrich member experiences, and streamline your operations. Here’s a rundown of the key takeaways: Revolutionizing Marketing with QR Codes We discussed the potential of QR codes used for Online […]

March 2024 in Stats – Itensity Gym Management


March 2024 marked yet another milestone for the fitness industry, and our gym management software, Itensity, proudly stands at the forefront of this progress. With 577 clubs utilizing our platform, we’re empowering fitness entrepreneurs across Southern Africa to streamline their operations and amplify their impact. But numbers tell only part of the story. Behind the […]

Staying Ahead of the Game: 5 Digital Marketing Trends for Your Gym in 2023

5 digital marketing trends itensity gym management software

The fitness world is evolving at a rapid pace, and it’s crucial for gym owners to adapt and stay competitive. In 2023, the digital marketing landscape will play a pivotal role in attracting and retaining members. To help you keep up with the ever-changing trends, Itensity has identified five digital marketing trends that you should closely follow.