Itensity Fitness Management Software

Gym business tools to manage you gym

Itensity Gym Mangement Software makes back-end operations super easy
Gym business tools itensity

Member Management for your gym

Streamline the nuts and bolts of back-end member management of your gym:

Automate recurring add-ons for members

  • Personal information
  • Contract information
  • Payment details & history
  • Add-on packages
  • Access logs
  • Booking history
  • Freeze and block statuses
  • Log notes and communication logs


Itensity’s extensive partnered integration makes back-end operations simple:

Manage debit orders, and payment streams through our integration partners:


Debit orders:

Payment gateways:

Gym business tools itensity
Itensity Online Gym Management Ignite Fitness Gym business tools itensity

Gym Payments

Make payment processes as simple as possible on Itensity’s single-platform integrated system:

Automated payment management

Manage multiple income streams

Secure member self-service options

Business Rules Engine & Automation 

Define and organise business activities with Itensity’s business tools :

Member freezing

Cancellation fee calculation

Automated pro rata

Access blocking rules

Itensity Online Gym Management IPIC Gym business tools itensity
Itensity Online Gym Management Ignite Fitness Gym business tools

Gym Reports & Analytics

Measure your business performance and make informed decisions with full spectrum reports :

Access and bookings analytics

Financials, unpaids, incomes, and age analyses

Sales and cancellations

Member contracts and information

Stock control

Payment Management

Tools to create and manage all your payment processes:

Integrated debt collection, improving net income and cash flow

Effectively manage outstanding debts

Create and manage debt agents and legal handovers

Manage communications, payment plans, promise to pay and notes

Itensity Online Gym Management City Rock Business tools Itensity

Superclub (Enterprise & Franchise)

Large facilities with high member counts, both franchise and enterprise, can take advantage of extensive back-end tools, ensuring ease of use for managing you gym:

Get access to:

  • Multi-club configurations  
  • CRM 
  • Member management 
  • Business intelligence  
  • Staff management 
  • Stock management 
  • Corporate middle layer 
  • Training environment 
  • Open API 
  • Separate hosted database 
Security and POPIA compliance functionality:
  • 2-step verification 
  • Partial hide ID number 
  • Partial hide bank account details 
  • POPIA 
  • Azure 
Itensity Online Gym Management Planet Fitness South Africa Business tools Itensity